Victoria Falls National Park – Ein vollständiger Leitfaden

Preparing for a trip to Victoria Falls involves considering various factors to ensure an enjoyable experience. Firstly, visitors should be aware of the entrance fees for Victoria Falls National Park, which vary depending on nationality and whether one plans to visit the falls from the Zimbabwean or Zambian side. Additionally, it’s essential to research visa requirements and any necessary vaccinations before traveling to the region.

Choosing the ideal time of year to visit Victoria Falls is crucial for experiencing the falls at their most spectacular. The best time to visit is typically during the dry season from May to October when water levels are lower, offering unobstructed views of the falls and the opportunity to explore the surrounding trails. However, visiting during the wet season from November to April can also be rewarding, as the falls are at their most powerful and the surrounding landscape is lush and green.

Victoria Falls National Park – A complete guide, Namibia Safari Tours

Lage des Victoria-Falls-Nationalparks

The Zambezi River serves as a natural boundary between Zimbabwe and Zambia, flowing through Victoria Falls National Park. Visitors can access the park from Livingstone in Zambia or Victoria Falls town in Zimbabwe, both offering excellent vantage points for viewing the falls. Livingstone and Victoria Falls have their own international airports, with daily flights from Johannesburg provided by South African Airways and British Airways.

In Victoria Falls town, located just a short walk from the park entrance, visitors can explore the nearby crafts market for souvenirs and artifacts. The village also offers opportunities for wildlife sightings, with elephants often spotted in the surrounding fields. Getting around Livingstone and Victoria Falls is convenient, as both cities have plenty of taxis available for transportation. Crossing from Zambia to Zimbabwe via the Victoria Falls bridge is straightforward, and walking to the bridge offers additional views of the falls, making it a highly recommended activity for visitors.


The standard admission fee for visitors to Victoria Falls, whether on the Zambian or Zimbabwean side, is $30, with the same rate applied in both countries. Visitors holding passports issued by SADC (Southern African Development Community) countries are eligible for a discounted rate of $20. To qualify for the discount, visitors must present their passport, identification card, or driver’s license as proof of SADC citizenship

Beste Reisezeit für die Victoriafälle im Nationalpark

During the dry season, spanning from July through December, the volume of water at Victoria Falls gradually diminishes, reaching its lowest point in October and November. Although visitors may not witness the falls in full splendor during this period, attractions like Devil’s Pool and water rafting remain accessible. These activities are typically closed during the wetter months of the year when the water flow is at its peak.

Victoria Falls National Park – A complete guide, Namibia Safari Tours


During the wet season from January to June, Victoria Falls is at its most spectacular as the falls fill up with water, creating a mesmerizing display of power and beauty. While the abundant spray and mist may obstruct some views and drench visitors, the sheer magnitude of the falls is a remarkable sight to behold. However, the high water levels during this time may pose risks for activities like rafting and visiting Devil’s Pool, which are often suspended for safety reasons. Instead, a sunset sail down the Zambezi River offers a memorable experience, showcasing the natural beauty of Victoria Falls against the backdrop of the setting sun.

Reisehinweise für diejenigen, die die Viktoriafälle im Nationalpark besuchen möchten

When visiting Victoria Falls, it’s essential to capture the stunning scenery with your camera, especially as you approach the David Livingstone monument. However, ensure your electronic devices are protected from water damage by storing them in waterproof bags instead of plastic ones, which can cause harm. May visitors should come prepared with umbrellas or raincoats, although they may not be entirely effective against the falls’ spray. Embrace the experience and enjoy getting wet while exploring the breathtaking surroundings.

Choosing appropriate footwear is crucial for navigating the wet and slippery terrain near Victoria Falls. Shoes with better grip than Allstar Converse are recommended to prevent slips and ensure safety, particularly in the foggy and humid conditions near the falls. Being prepared with the right gear and footwear enhances the enjoyment of your visit to Victoria Falls and helps you fully appreciate its natural beauty without any inconvenience.


Exploring Victoria Falls National Park can be done independently, as the trails are easy to navigate without a guide. Follow the routes at your own pace, taking in the stunning rainbows created by the falls’ spray along the way. Remember to bring a copy of your passport or official identification to be eligible for any discounts offered.

Visiting Victoria Falls is an opportunity to unwind and escape the pressures of daily life. Avoid overloading your itinerary with too many activities, as this can detract from your ability to relax and fully appreciate the natural beauty of the park. Take the time to immerse yourself in the tranquility and splendor of Victoria Falls, allowing yourself to fully enjoy the experience and create lasting memories.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

1. Wie viel kostet der Besuch der Viktoriafälle?

A: Es kostet $30 pro Person.

2. Lohnt sich ein Besuch der Victoriafälle?

A: Die natürliche Schönheit, der kulturelle Reichtum und die adrenalingeladenen Aktivitäten der Victoriafälle machen sie zu einem Weltwunder. Die umfassende Erfahrung von Victoria Falls ist es wert, erlebt zu werden.

3. Brauche ich einen Reisepass für Victoria Falls?

A: Obwohl Sie Ihren Reisepass benötigen, hat das Überqueren der Victoria Falls Bridge zwischen Simbabwe und Sambia keinen Einfluss auf Ihren Visumsstatus.

4. Was ist die beste Zeit, um die Viktoriafälle zu besuchen?

A: Von Februar bis Mai, nach den Sommerregen, erreichen die Victoriafälle ihren Höhepunkt.

5. Warum besuchen Touristen den Victoria Falls National Park?

A: Ein erstaunlicher Wildpark. Es hat 400 Vogelarten und 100 Säugetierarten, darunter Leoparden und Wildhunde. Der Chobe-Nationalpark ist in der Nähe. Eine weitere 2-stündige Fahrt von den Wasserfällen.

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Safari World Tours ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen zur Förderung von Reisen und Reisezielen. Hauptsächlich mit Fokus auf süd- und westafrikanische Länder. Unsere Safari-Touren sind gut organisiert und für jeden Reisenden geeignet.

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