die Victoriafälle
Victoria Falls, located on the Zambezi River, marking the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, is a breathtaking natural wonder renowned worldwide. Originally named “Mosi-oa-Tunya” by the Kololo people in the 1800s, meaning “The Smoke that Thunders,” it aptly describes the spectacle created by the falls.
During the peak of the wet season, Victoria Falls unleashes over 500 million cubic meters of water per minute over its precipice, plummeting into a gorge over 100 meters below. This immense volume of water generates columns of spray visible from miles away. The waterfall stretches nearly two kilometers in width and plunges to depths of over 100 meters, forming the largest curtain of cascading water on the planet.
Der Sambesi, der einst ein ruhiges Gewässer war, ist heute ein reißender Strom, der sich dank eines großen Basaltfelsens, über den die Wasserfälle tosen, seinen Weg durch eine Reihe beeindruckender Schluchten bahnt.
Andere Seite des Sturzes
On the opposite side of the Falls stands a towering vertical basalt cliff, matching the height of the cascading water. Crowned by a dense forest enveloped in mist, this cliffside offers a captivating sight. A pathway skirts along the forest’s edge, providing adventurous souls willing to endure the relentless spray with unparalleled vistas of the falls.
From vantage points like the Knife-edge Bridge, visitors can marvel at the Eastern Waterfall, the Main Falls, and the Boiling Pot, where the river cascades into the Batoka Gorge. Additional viewing sites such as Devils Pool, Livingstone Island, the Falls Bridge, and the Lookout Tree afford panoramic perspectives of the Main Falls, each offering its own unique experience. Livingstone Island remains a favored destination for tourists seeking remarkable views and memorable experiences
Hubschrauberflüge über den Viktoriafällen
The exhilarating helicopter ride above Victoria Falls is often referred to as the “Flight of Angels,” a name inspired by David Livingstone’s awe-inspiring description upon first beholding the falls in 1855. Livingstone famously remarked that “Scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight.” Little did he know that a century and a half later, the same opportunity would be afforded to others.
Viewing Victoria Falls from above offers a perspective that truly captures its grandeur. Helicopters equipped with specially designed bubble-shaped windows provide passengers with panoramic views and unparalleled photo opportunities. Taking off from the Maramba Aerodrome, just moments away from the Zambezi River, helicopters swiftly ascend, offering passengers breathtaking vistas of the Zambezi’s stunning beauty within seconds of liftoff.
A helicopter ride above the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that should not be missed. Witness the majestic waterfall from a bird’s-eye perspective and marvel at its immense power and beauty. As you soar above the crashing waters and towering mist, take a moment to appreciate the sheer magnitude of this natural wonder. These are the moments that stay with you forever.
Don’t forget to bring your camera along for the ride to capture the countless picture-perfect moments that await you. Choose between the shorter yet iconic “Flight of Angels” helicopter tour, lasting 13 minutes, or opt for the longer and more comprehensive “Zambezi Spectacular” tour, offering 25 minutes of breathtaking views. Whichever you choose, prepare for an unforgettable journey above one of the world’s greatest waterfalls.
Während der Organisation Ihres Helikopterflugs über den Victoriafällen. Sie haben auch die Möglichkeit, einige andere Aktivitäten hinzuzufügen. Sie können zwischen aufregenden Kombinationen von Helikopterflügen zu den Victoriafällen wählen. Wie zum Beispiel eine Sonnenuntergangskreuzfahrt auf dem Sambesi oder Kombinationen aus Helikopterflügen zu den Viktoriafällen, die friedlicher sind.
Unsere Erfahrung
Scenic helicopter rides above Victoria Falls offer incredible opportunities for capturing breathtaking pictures. Thanks to the proximity of the Maramba Aerodrome to the Zambezi River, these rides provide stunning views along the river within just 30 seconds after takeoff. It’s an exhilarating activity suitable for the whole family, promising the best views of Victoria Falls and the Zambezi River.
With its unparalleled beauty and unique experiences, Victoria Falls should undoubtedly be at the top of your list of potential vacation destinations. The helicopter ride adds an extra layer of excitement to your trip, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
1. Lohnt sich ein Helikopterflug über die Victoriafälle?
A: Helikopterflüge über den Viktoriafällen sind teuer, aber lohnenswert. Die Victoriafälle an der Grenze zwischen Sambia und Simbabwe sind doppelt so hoch und breit wie die Niagarafälle.
2. Was kostet der Helikopterflug?
A: Ein kurzer Helikopterflug für 15 Minuten kostet $189.
3. Was ist das Besondere an den Victoriafällen?
A: Die Victoriafälle, bekannt für ihre Gischt, ihren Nebel und ihre Regenbögen, sind die größte Wasserfläche der Welt.
4. Sind die Victoriafälle größer als Niagara?
A: Die Victoriafälle sind fast doppelt so hoch und einen halben Kilometer breiter als die Niagarafälle. Die Gischt der Victoriafälle kann 400 m über den Wasserfällen aufsteigen und in der Regenzeit in 48 km Entfernung sichtbar sein.
5. Kann man in Victoria Falls schwimmen?
A: Zu den sieben Naturwundern gehören die Viktoriafälle. Devil's Pool grenzt an Livingstone Island an den Victoriafällen. Besucher von Livingstone Island können zum Rand des Wasserfalls schwimmen.