The Caprivi Strip, now officially known as the Zambezi Region since 2013, is renowned for its diverse wildlife, particularly its substantial hippopotamus population. This narrow strip of land shares borders with Zambia, Botswana, and Angola, making it a strategic location for wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists alike. Within the Zambezi Region, three national parks stand out: Bwabwata National Park, Mudumu National Park, and Nkasa Rupara National Park. These protected areas are home to a wealth of wildlife, including hippos, wild dogs, roan antelopes, buffalo, and crocodiles. The Zambezi River, which flows through the region, offers a prime opportunity for wildlife viewing, especially hippos. As you navigate the river, it’s common to encounter groups of hippos lounging both on the riverbanks and submerged beneath the water’s surface. The abundance of wildlife in the Zambezi Region, particularly its thriving hippo population, makes it a must-visit destination for nature lovers and safari enthusiasts seeking an authentic African wilderness experience.


The hippopotamus is an awesome creature, and fortunately, Caprivi is one of the places in Namibia where immense effort has been put toward the conservation of wildlife. This is a success considering the huge and negative impact of poaching in the area. More interestingly, it is recorded that birds of several species have been found to a height of 70%, which is a good achievement. With this, Caprivi is projected to someday surpass Etosha Park in the concentration of wildlife in the future. However, lots of these hippos were lost due to widespread anthrax, a disease that affects the skin and lungs. However, immediate efforts are put in place to curb the widespread of the disease. Luckily, the population of hippos continues to grow.


Hippos are characterized by their deep grunting and are among the largest land mammals, weighing up to 3 tons with thick skin over a ton. Despite their herbivorous diet, they are considered dangerous due to their unpredictability and territorial behavior. In regions like the Okavango Delta and Caprivi, known for high hippo concentrations, they venture out of water in the evenings to feed, relying on rivers, swamps, and floodplains. During dry seasons, territorial disputes among males intensify as they migrate to areas with more water. While hippos rarely swim and mostly walk in water, they spend the majority of their time submerged. Visitors must exercise extreme caution around hippos, as they pose a significant threat to humans and are known to be responsible for more human fatalities than other wild animals. Despite the risks, encountering these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat can be a thrilling and memorable experience for tourists.


The establishment of protected areas like Bwabwata National Park and Mudumu National Park has been a crucial conservation effort in the Caprivi Strip, safeguarding habitats for wildlife, particularly hippos, and mitigating habitat loss and fragmentation. Additionally, community-based conservation programs engage local communities in conservation initiatives, offering incentives like ecotourism ventures and sustainable agriculture practices. These programs not only empower communities but also foster a sense of stewardship towards wildlife and natural resources, contributing to the overall conservation efforts in the region.


Conservation organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and the Namibian Nature Foundation have been instrumental in Caprivi Strip’s conservation efforts, collaborating with local communities and government bodies to formulate sustainable management strategies, conduct wildlife research, and raise awareness about conservation. Despite their contributions, the region faces persistent challenges including climate change, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflicts that imperil the survival of hippos and other species. Sustained efforts are needed to address these challenges and develop long-term solutions that prioritize the coexistence of wildlife and communities while ensuring the ecological integrity of the Caprivi ecosystem.


Q: What is Caprivi Strip?

A: Caprivi Strip is a narrow panhandle-shaped territory located in northeastern Namibia, bordered by Angola, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Q: Why are hippos important in Caprivi Strip?

A: Hippos are an important species in Caprivi Strip because they play a critical role in maintaining the area’s ecosystem. They help to control vegetation growth, create habitats for other species, and provide food for predators such as lions and crocodiles.

Q: How many hippos are there in Caprivi Strip?

A: The exact number of hippos in the Caprivi Strip is unknown, but it is estimated that there are several thousand individuals living in the region.

Q: What are the threats to hippo populations in Caprivi Strip?

A: The biggest threats to hippo populations in Caprivi Strip include habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching for their meat and ivory, and human-wildlife conflict.

Q: What conservation efforts are being made to protect hippo populations in Caprivi Strip?

A: Conservation efforts in Caprivi Strip include the establishment of protected areas such as Bwabwata and Mudumu National Parks, community-based conservation programs, and research to better understand hippo behavior and ecology.

Q: Can I see hippos in Caprivi Strip?

A: Yes, visitors to Caprivi Strip can see hippos in their natural habitat on guided safaris or river cruises.

Q: Are hippos dangerous to humans?

A: Yes, hippos are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa and can be aggressive toward humans if they feel threatened or provoked. It is important to view them from a safe distance and with the guidance of an experienced guide.

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